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How to avoid fundamental problems with statistical analysis involving sampling and inference in labor and employment litigation. The presentation will pay special attention to the statistical issues, including some that have been raised in the Duran matter as well as other cases. It will focus on the judges’ findings in recent wage and hour matters. Issues to be discussed will be:
Join Dr. Audrius Girnius, Senior Economist at Advanced Analytical Consulting Group, Inc. (AACG), as he discusses how to properly conduct a sampling analysis, highlights the pitfalls that any sampling analysis can encounter, and discusses the fundamental problems with the statistical analysis conducted by the Plaintiffs’ experts in recent wage and hour matters. He will also highlight various judges’ comments and concerns on a variety of topics.
About the Presenter: Dr. Audrius Girnius has studied wage and hour issues involving manufacturers and telecommunications service providers.
Prior to joining Advanced Analytical Consulting Group (AACG), Dr. Girnius was a Senior Manager / Director at Grant Thornton and Huron Consulting Group. He earned a PhD in Economics from The University of Chicago and has refereed for the Journal of Political Economy. He also has presented at the National Bar Association Labor and Employment Law Conference.