Entries by Meryl Baldwin

AACG Published on Law360: Disentangling Various Forms Of Workplace Discrimination

AACG National Managing Director Dr. Daniel S. Levy’s article has been published on Law360. Lilly Ledbetter, the outspoken advocate for the equal treatment of women in the workplace, died in October at age 86. Her experience reminds us that there are often multiple forms of discrimination in the workplace. Ledbetter said that she viewed these […]

AACG Published on LexisNexis: Rule 10b-5: Analyzing Omissions

AACG National Managing Director Dr. Daniel S. Levy’s and AACG Principal Dr. Pavithra Kumar’s article has been published on LexisNexis. This article discusses the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Macquarie Infrastructure Corp. v. Moab Partners L.P., 601 U.S. 257 (2024), regarding misleading omissions in violation of Rule 10b-5 (17 C.F.R. § 240.10b-5) of the Exchange Act […]

AACG Welcomes Professor David Carter to its Expert Network

Advanced Analytical Consulting Group (AACG), a leader in economic, statistical, and computing consulting, is pleased to announce Professor David Carter has joined its expert network. David Carter is a professor of sports business at USC’s Marshall School of Business. He is a national authority on sports business and strategic marketing and has been designated as an […]

AACG Welcomes Dr. Alex Edmans to its Expert Network

Advanced Analytical Consulting Group (AACG), a leader in economic, statistical, and computing consulting, is pleased to announce Dr. Alex Edmans has joined its expert network. Alex Edmans is Professor of Finance at London Business School (LBS). Dr. Edmans has a PhD from MIT as a Fulbright Scholar, and was previously a tenured professor at Wharton […]

AACG Published on Law360: Half-Truths Vs. Omissions: Slicing Justices’ Macquarie Cake

AACG National Managing Director Dr. Daniel S. Levy’s and AACG Principal Dr. Pavithra Kumar’s article has been published on Law360.  The U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled in Macquarie Infrastructure Corp. v. Moab Partners LP that claims based on “pure omissions are not actionable under Rule 10b-5(b)” even where a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rule […]

AACG Announces Gordon Klein has Joined its Expert Network

Advanced Analytical Consulting Group (AACG), a leader in economic, statistical, and computing consulting, is pleased to announce Mr. Gordon Klein has joined its expert network. Gordon Klein is a faculty member at UCLA’s Anderson School of Management. Mr. Klein has testified in several highly publicized matters, including serving as the Trustee’s accounting and valuation expert […]

AACG Expands its Finance & Securities Expert Network and Welcomes Mark Sunshine

Advanced Analytical Consulting Group (AACG), a leader in economic, statistical, and computing consulting, is pleased to announce Mr. Mark Sunshine has joined its expert network. Mark Sunshine has nearly 40 years of experience in investment banking, capital markets, and business development. He has consulted on matters involving mergers and acquisitions (M&A), securitizations, bankruptcy creditor disputes, […]

Dr. Pavithra Kumar Joins AACG to Lead Its Finance and Valuation Practice

Advanced Analytical Consulting Group (AACG), a leader in economic, statistical, and computing consulting, is pleased to welcome Dr. Pavithra Kumar as a Principal. Dr. Pavithra Kumar  has 15 years of experience in economic consulting and specializes in the application of economic and financial theory to questions arising in complex securities and finance litigation. She has expertise […]

AACG Published on Law360: How High Court’s Old, Bad Stats Analysis Can Miss Discrimination

AACG National Managing Director Dr. Daniel S. Levy’s article has been published in Law360.  On Sept. 13, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission continued to expand its access to employer data for statistical analysis through a memorandum of understanding with the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor, which describes the data-sharing […]