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This presentation will discuss how new laws and regulations may change evidentiary requirements in evaluating disparate impact. The presentation will pay special attention to the statistical issues and the use of multiple regression analysis. It will focus on the 2013 Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program (OFCCP) Directive 307 and the California Fair Pay Act (CFPA) enacted in 2015. Topics to be covered include:
Join Dr. Audrius Girnius, Senior Economist at Advanced Analytical Consulting Group, Inc. (AACG), as he discusses how these new laws and regulations may affect the data collection statistical analyses that need to be done in response to these changes.
About the Presenter: Dr. Audrius Girnius has assisted employers with proactive pay studies and supported experts on a variety of Labor and Employment discrimination matters. Prior to joining Advanced Analytical Consulting Group (AACG), Dr. Girnius was a Senior Manager / Director at Grant Thornton and Huron Consulting Group. He earned a PhD in Economics from The University of Chicago and has refereed for the Journal of Political Economy. He also has presented at the National Bar Association Labor and Employment Law Conference.