Timothy J. Tardiff, PhD
P: 617 827 4043
E: TimTardiff@AACG.com
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Dr. Timothy J. Tardiff has more than 40 years of academic and consulting experience. He has participated in numerous legal and regulatory proceedings regarding telecommunications, economics, intellectual property, antitrust, and regulation issues. His research, consulting, and expert witness experience in telecommunications has addressed pricing and costing issues involving increasingly competitive services, such as wireless and traditional wireline services. This experience has also included extensive examination and economic evaluation of all facets of the costing methodologies used to establish prices in rate-regulated industries—including expert reports and testimonies in a U.S. Department of Transportation proceeding on the reasonableness from an economic perspective of the rates international carriers at Los Angeles International Airport pay for use of terminal space. His work has included the telecommunications, software, transportation, energy, and public utility industries, and he has published extensively in economics, telecommunications, and transportation journals.
From 2006 to 2009, Dr. Tardiff was a Managing Director at Huron Consulting Group. Prior to joining Huron, he served as a vice president in the telecommunication practice at NERA Economic Consulting. During his career, Dr. Tardiff has served as the director of Marketing Research and senior member of the transportation practice at Charles River Associates, Inc. and assistant professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and Division of Environmental Studies at the University of California, Davis.
Dr. Tardiff’s research has addressed the demand, cost, and competitive aspects of converging technologies, including wireless and broadband. He has evaluated pricing policies for increasingly competitive telecommunications markets, including appropriate mechanisms for pricing access services to competitors and studied actual and potential competition for services provided by incumbent telephone operating companies. Most recently, he has analyzed the effects of convergence and growing intermodal competition on whether incumbent firms should be considered dominant in the provision of certain services and the regulatory and antitrust implication of such determinations.
Since the passage of the United States Telecommunications Act, Dr. Tardiff has participated in interconnection arbitrations, unbundled element proceedings, universal service investigation, applications by incumbent local exchange carriers for authorization to provide interLATA long-distance, and implementation of the Triennial Review Order rules for unbundling network elements in over 25 states and before the United States Federal Communications Commission. His international research and consulting experience includes studies and expert reports on telecommunication competition issues in Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Peru, Australia, and Trinidad and Tobago, where he was an economic expert in an interconnection arbitration between two wireless carriers.
Dr. Tardiff holds a B.S. in mathematics from California Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. in social sciences from University of California, Irvine.